Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween Party

Once again this has been a really long week!!! Finally after dreadful planning, my daughter was finally able to have her Halloween party.  I must admit I was quite shocked as to how it turned out, she actually had more kids that was intended but the whole time she had spoke of the party I just didn't think it would work out.  I myself had never really been the type to allow my daughter to always go to parties where I didn't know who was giving the event considering she 's only twelve and she would be quite embarrassed of all the information I would request. I never cared about her feelings I was just more concerned about her safety.  I will also have to definitely thank everyone that helped me out with all the decorating of the hall and especially the food.  I really didn't do a large amount of candy because I know that more people are turning towards healthier snacks and foods so I didn't want to come between that.  The cupcakes made by the best cake decorator ever, were even awesome.  Although most the kids did not dress up the mood was definitely based on Halloween.  Costumes have gotten so expensive that I know people are glad when their children get to the point where they no longer want them, or are at least able to purchase them on there own.  Then again maybe not, considering one of my aunts still takes the holiday quite serious!! Now that I think of it some of the costumes didn't even last the whole time at the party, hopefully the problems can be resolved by tomorrows designated trick or treating time.  I was a little upset that somehow my camera was knocked off the table and it broke so I didn't have a chance to get a lot of pictures, but the ones I were able to get luckily I can retrieve them from my memory card.  At the end of the night I can say that I am extremely tired and thankful that it is over. 

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